
In the 70 plus years that I have walked this earth, I have had the opportunity to read numerous books on various topics. Until I read Dr. Creech’s Book, THE ANTIDOTE, only four other books in addition to the Bible in those 70 years have left such an indelible mark on me as Dr. Creech’s book has. Even decades after having read these other books, I still remember the name of the book, its author, and continue to quote the central teachings of the book in my conversations and teaching times. After reading THE ANTIDOTE, I now have five books that I will be quoting and referring to in my conversations and teaching times.


Like Dr. Creech, I had an encounter with a “Clergy Killer” who joined my church late in my ministry of nearly 28 years there. This man managed, through his winsome personality, to turn a very successful church into a toxic church ... destroying its ministry and reputation in the community. Dr. Creech’s book opened my eyes to some basic human needs going back to Adam & Eve (i.e., the human need for acceptance and recognition) that made that kind of unfortunate turn-around possible. Knowledge is power. Understanding the forces that have been driving people from the beginning of the human race until now gives us the information and the tools to know how to react to and deal with these intrusive (and highly destructive ) events before they destroys everyone involved. Priceless!

Gordon Peterson, graduate of Bethel College and Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. of Ministry degree from Bethel West Seminary in San Diego, California. Served in pastoral ministry for 31 plus years, 28 of them in the same church. Also served in denominational ministry for years as a board member, vice-chairman and chairman of the World Mission Board, moderator of the national Annual Meeting in 2005, and eight years as an assessor and a teacher for church planters and cross-culture missionaries.